A Path to Pursue | Teen Ink

A Path to Pursue

November 19, 2019
By K_P16 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
K_P16 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Oconomowoc High School started with me having no idea what I was going to pursue after this chapter in my life until I walked into Mr. Zietlow’s psychology class. Freshman year was rough for me but as a teacher, Mr. Zietlow managed to help me find my way when I didn’t have motivation to do anything after high school. 

When I walked into his class, I noticed it wasn’t like any other classroom--the overhead lights were off and the only light came from scattered lamps around the room. As the students piled in, he greeted each and everyone with a “good morning” and attempted to remember their name. 

Mr. Zietlow isn’t any average teacher; he wasn’t strict, trying too hard, or even loud. He made class enjoyable for each student. Outside of school, he was the girls’ track coach, a father and a husband who stayed after school after each staff member left. He stayed in order to grade and keep up with the many students’ grades, tests, assignments, and other class work that was assigned which made school less frustrating and stressful. 

Uniquely, Mr. Zietlow had a personal connection to students. If there was someone who needed a person to confide in, rant to, or receive advice from, he was there with an open ear. When I was going through an upsetting time, he listened and helped me feel better. He gave me an extension on the project that was due, in order to be less overwhelmed by the other aspects of my life. I’ve never had a father figure in my life; it was a new, comforting feeling to have Mr. Zietlow caring about my well-being and not just as another student. He made each student feel a personal connection between them and motivated them down a positive road. 

Mr. Zietlow used as memory tactics. He would have each student stand up, and do hand motions for the words he wanted us to remember. He reminded us that “your brain recognizes physical movements more than just words on paper.” To this day, I can still remember the words and motions behind each of them. 

Not only did he help find new ways to recall words and phrases, he also helped relax our minds and bodies before tests or the AP (advanced placement) test. We would sit with our heads down--or lay down with our eyes closed--and listen to a video about mindfulness to put ease to the stress and overwhelming feelings towards the test at hand. 

Over the course of a year, Mr. Zietlow made me find my passion and taught me to pursue the new chapter of my life. The passionate, attentive, caring, empathetic, and memorable teacher--Mr. Zietlow, has impacted my life more than any other educator I have had; and for that, I’d like to thank you Mr. Zietlow, for helping me find my way.

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