Coach Tony | Teen Ink

Coach Tony

November 19, 2019
By Anonymous

Six or so years back, I met Coach Tony. He coached my 2014 twelve and under Brookfield Pride softball team. When I met Coach Tony I was afraid of him. We had our errors and mistakes as a team, I had my errors as an individual. Me and constructive criticism did not mix well.

My initial reaction was to run away and quit the beautiful sport of softball. I was not the most skilled player - I had flaws and complications. I threw with inaccuracy and believed I was unworthy. Despite the errors, my vexation was no match to the determination of Coach Tony.

Coach Tony claimed I had potential. He said, “A couple fixes and you will be a prominent player.” He worked with me for years. The first year he fixed my side-arm throw through drills. The next year he worked with my faulty batting stance. He not only worked with me individually, but also as a combined team. Practices included offense, defense, and rigorous conditioning.

Six years under the influence of Coach Tony, my dinky confidence grew into into credences of ability. In just the last year, the strength and ability of the team increased drastically. We won multiple tournaments and were given the title of third best team in Wisconsin.

Coach Tony not only helps softball skills, but is also confident in each of us. He exclaimed I am an asset to any team I joined - through determination, acceptance, and humor. He believed in me when other coaches did not. He is considerate and resourceful. He makes sure every addition to the team is welcome, coordinating occasional team bonding events. He creates practice plans, taking time out of his demanding life. He displays courage and energy through his softball team.

Last year and the year prior I injured my back. I was emotional knowing I would miss half of two seasons. Coach Tony helped me through each and every day. He made sure abilities remained, along with confidence. He pushed through the despairing time with strength, determination, and even humor. One day he provided ointment for my back, knowing he “always had my back.” A laugh for the entire team!

Coach Tony uses his rage in necessary times. He wants the best for the team. He doesn’t allow umpires to take away opportunities and most certainly isn’t afraid to put up a fight. Coach Tony is unexpectedly emotional when the season ends - seeing his work pay off substantially. At the end of the year he thanks each of us personally. 

I would like to return my thanks to Coach Tony through this letter. Thank you for your determination, consideration, and support. Thank you for making me a better player and teammate. Thank you for being the best coach and role model.

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