Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

November 19, 2019
By tennisgirl77 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
tennisgirl77 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Mrs King,

There have been opportunities for me to say thank you, to appreciate everything you have done, but I have not taken the time to acknowledge how you changed me (and will continue to change me into the person I am). 

I am taking this time now to show you the gratitude I feel towards you and everything you have done for me. 

Thank you. 

Medical professionals are kind, compassionate, and educated.

They care about everyone's feelings and thoughts. 

But who taught these professionals to be who they are?

You are an educator who forms medical professionals into what they are today by showing passion in what you teach and support your students. 

Thank you.

You taught me how life outside of high school will operate.

You taught me how to be courageous, kind, and passionate. You taught me about becoming a better student, working hard, and achieving my long-term goals.

You taught me how to smile at the small things and appreciate the big. You were always there with a smile on your face, creating a loving environment.

Thank you.

Walking into your class sophomore year was like the warm sun rising in the morning, breaking through the clouds—you felt like a new beginning.

Hearing your voice created peace and comfort.

I enjoyed listening to your funny stories in class and sharing deep personal ones with you.

How can a teacher care so much about your personal lives and care about teaching us at the same time? You taught me how to open up and how to share my goals with the world.

Thank you.

Even now, as sophomore year is over and junior year is in its midst, you continue to spread your love and joy to me. 

You helped me in my job, finding the best fit (when no facilities would hire me since I was under 18). You have helped me prepare for phone interviews and workplace settings. 

Overall, you taught me how to be prepared to challenge life’s problems such as facing new people and overcome the battles I may face. 

Thank you.

Thank you, Mrs. King, for the love and support you have shown me throughout my high school years. 

Thank you for the constant reminder that someone cares for me. 

Thank you for teaching me how to become a better worker, individual, friend, and daughter. 

Thank you for shaping me into who I am today. 





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