Teacher Appreciation | Teen Ink

Teacher Appreciation

November 19, 2019
By lv22 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
lv22 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Anxiously, I walked to North Campus at Arrowhead for my first class with upperclassmen. A million thoughts raced through my mind. What if I can’t find the class? What if it’s all seniors and I’m one of the few sophomores? Luckily I had friends in my class, but having classes with upperclassmen was still new and I don’t typically do well with change.

I remember the first time Mrs. Koch spoke; her voice was soothing. I heard great things about her from former students, but what they said was an understatement. From the start, I noticed her inviting mannerisms. I can’t remember a day when she wasn’t positive or in a good mood. Everyday I would walk in to room 125 and see her beaming smile, hearing a welcoming “Hello.” A bright smile appeared on my face because I was honestly excited to learn.

Science has never been my favorite subject, but I can say I loved chemistry. Most of the topics interested me and I didn’t mind doing homework or studying for assessments. If I didn’t understand a unit, I knew I could go to Mrs. Koch’s room; she stayed after school and came early to assist struggling students. I was never afraid to ask her a question; she was always willing to answer them. I can confidently say Mrs. Koch didn’t only care about students inside school, but also outside. If I was absent, she always helped me catch up. In addition, she helped my friend when her loved one passed away which I admire.

I can name countless times where I was ecstatic about a lab (specifically titrations) and I couldn’t wait to go to class. Before Mrs. Koch, I would’ve never used science and fun in the same sentence. I’m grateful she influenced my learning and made chemistry unforgettable.

Her passion for teaching showed throughout the year, in addition to helping kids grow. She is a committed, intelligent, and strong woman, wife, and mother who leads by example. She taught me study habits, how to work well with people I’m not familiar with, and influenced me to take AP Chemistry. I am thankful for the life lessons I learned from her.

I nominate you, Mrs. Koch, for educator of the year for creating a comfortable environment for students, for caring about my life outside of school, and for being an excellent role model for myself and others.

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