My favorite teacher | Teen Ink

My favorite teacher

November 19, 2019
By Anonymous

Throughout life, there are certain people who you meet who make a significant difference.  Mr. Rice you are that person for me and I wanted to say thank you for helping me through my Arrowhead High School years. You have been a huge help for me. You have been there for me and when I was in your health class over the summer. You taught me how to be a good student and to not do drugs or alcohol. 

I am so thankful for you and when I need someone to talk to. I feel comfortable talking to you and when I see you in the halls and in the classroom, you just put a smile on my face. You have taught me right from wrong and I appreciate it. 

You are one of my favorite teachers and whenever I have an issue, I would come talk to you. I feel safe and that I can trust you with information.  Mr. Rice you have helped me become the person I am today and I am thankful for that. Mr. Rice you help me feel more happy and I have so much respect for you and what you do. 

He just has patience in him, and he also knows how to calm other students down when they get stressed about school work. He just knows how to handle each situation that he encounters perfectly. When I was in cross country I would see him everyday and that just puts a smile on my face. He would try to guess the mileage we would do that day and he was getting good at it. He is also a really good teacher, I love his class it is always positive energy. 

He has taught me well and he was a great teacher for me and I enjoyed his class. He has helped me become a better student. He is a caring teacher and and stops everything he is doing to talk to students. He makes the situation seem better, and he also has a lot of patience. When kk my bff has her shoulder injury and she was crying, I said “let’s go talk to Mr. Rice about it.” He made the situation better and he took care of it. Even though he was doing something at the time. He stopped his work to help us. That really meant the most to me and KK, so I thank him for that. 

I thought who is texting my KK this stuff and I wanted to make it stop. I wanted to make her stop crying, because it was going to make me cry. But when I get stressed or anything he always knows how to fix it. So thank you Mr. Rice for always being there for when I needed you, your like my school father to me. I feel like I can talk to you about anything. 

Mr. Rice is the nicest teacher that I know the best at arrowhead. He understands the students he sees everyday, he also loves helping students. Whenever I see him he brightens my day and I know that day will be good. 

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