one of her own | Teen Ink

one of her own

November 26, 2019
By Anonymous

One of her own

The first time me and Mrs. Carnell met was in English class at Arrowhead high school and we had a healthy relationship. She was my number one teacher to go to if I needed help with anything. I struggle with school—big time—so she made it easier on me by extending deadlines, giving me guidance and checking in on me frequently. 

She was almost a parent in the classroom. One time, she saw there was something in my hair, and I didn't see it. She came over and picked it out. It was kind of funny, but also special that when I’m in her classroom, she treats me as one of her own. 

I have had Mrs.Carnell three times: English nine and ten and in composition. I am about to have her a fourth time because I have her next semester. 

Last year, when I took the ACT, I got a score, and I couldn't believe how low of a score I got. I asked Mrs. Carnell for help and she offered to assist me on her free period. She also gave me a book to study from. Mrs. Carnell has genuinely been a blessing to me, and more positively, I would not be where I am at in school without her help and encouragement.

One time, I was having a horrible day, and she could tell. She talked to me a little bit during class and she also told me she wanted to talk to me after class. I thought I was in trouble, but it was such a relief she wanted to make sure that I was okay. It was a surprise to me that she would take more time out of her day to talk to me and make sure I’m good even after she already had a chat with me a little bit ago.

Having Mrs. Carnell as a teacher has been a blessing. She helped me stay positive and gave me the extra attention I needed to be a good student. 

What makes Mrs. Carnell so great is that I’ve never heard a bad thing about her. All I have ever heard was she is the best teacher students have ever had. So a big thank you to Mrs. Carnell. I don’t know what I would have done without you as my teacher.

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