Coach Longfellow | Teen Ink

Coach Longfellow

January 13, 2020
By Anonymous

Coach Longfellow, was my freshman volleyball coach at Delaware Military Academy. He wasn’t just my volleyball coach, he was a hero, role model and most of all a great friend. I think Coach Longfellow would be the best person for this award because he is very encouraging, hegives the best advice and support, and he is always there for his players no matter what. When I walked in for tryouts, I was so scared, and I didn’t know what to expect at all. But as soon as I made the freshman team, I knew that it was going to be a fun and great season knowing that I would get to be a player on Coach Longfellow’s team. Coach Longfellow is the reason I am who I am as a volleyball player today. He showed me courage, he built my confidence, and most importantly, he showed me the real meaning of what teamwork is. 

Coach Longfellow is encouraging because he never once gave up on my team or me asa player. He showed us how to stay positive and that it doesn’t matter who wins or who loses as long as our team works together to build success. There were many times that we were losing because we weren’t working together, but as soon as my coach called timeout and gave us a little pep talk, we got right back on our feet and did exactly what he said. My coach always lead my team to victory by encouraging us and using teamwork. My freshman team had an undefeated season because my coach was so encouraging; without his support we wouldn’t have gone so far, and wouldn’t be the team we are now. He taught us teamwork, dedication, leadership, courage, and so much more. But my favorite thing about Coach Longfellow is that he didn’t care if we won or lost as long as we tried our best and never gave up. 

Something that really caught my eye about Coach Longfellow is that he is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. There is not one time he had to yell or shout at my team; he always supported my team in a positive way. Yes, my team did make plenty of mistakes, but he didn’t get mad or scream at us; he encouraged us to work harder in a nice way. I noticed that when someone screams at me, it just stresses me out and adds more pressure and makes me want to just give up. But if someone supports me and encourages me to keep trying and to just get back up on my feet and to never give up, then I will do so much better and have a lot more confidence. 

Lastly, Coach Longfellow had a huge impact on my Freshman season. He may just look like a volleyball coach to everyone else, but he’s more than that to me; he changed the way I thought about volleyball; mentally and physically. He taught me that it’s not just about how you play, it’s also how you think; you have to mentally prepare yourself to make sure you try your best.

Coach Longfellow embodies courage, leadership, friendship, teamwork, and so much more. He had one of the biggest impacts on my life. He will also be my number one role model and someone who I will always look up to, no matter what. I think coach truly deserves this awardfor being such a nice and supportive coach. This is why I nominate Coach Jeff Longfellow for Educator of the Year. 


The author's comments:

I really hope that Coach Longfellow will win this award because he truly deserves it more than anyone I know. 

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