Educator of The Year | Teen Ink

Educator of The Year

January 13, 2020
By Anonymous

   One of my most valued teachers was in eighth grade, he was one of my favorite teachers through all my years of school. I chose him for “Educator of The Year”(EOY) because he is a great teacher and very passionate about what he does. These are my there are so many reasons why I chose Mr. Thomas for this award.

   My first reason is he keeps students engaged, which can be really hard for some teachers teaching middle schoolers. My second reason is that as a teacher he doesn’t set students up for failure,he tells students what they need to study, and if they study correctly, they get a good grade. He is very passionate about the subject that he teaches which can help out greatly because it could help with explaining the subject better and more being understandable.

    Mr. Thomas keeps most students engaged by telling jokes that are still informational but funny, this helps because it makes the subject more interesting even if it’s boring to some students. Another reason is that I think that he stays focused on the topic which sometimes teachers can get sidetracked. He didn’t; we got things done faster because he was focused, now, he taught history which is not the most interesting subject to some students which leads me to another reason I chose him. Although history can be very tedious and boring, he made it interesting and interactive sometimes which I think helps with keeping students engaged in the topic,he kept students engaged and involved, he said to our class sometimes “I don’t want to just stand up here and tell 4 different classes the same thing”. I don’t think he was trying to be lazy, but he was telling us that nothing gets across to students when just standing in front of the class talking the whole time. So, to get us more involved, he would ask questions and make us answer questions on the board, etc. This I believe helped with not just keeping us involved but awake and focused.

   Mr. Thomas should be the EOY because he is strict but nice which I think helps with discipling students in class. He told us at the beginning of the school year “Don’t take my kindness for weakness”. Which meant don’t think just because I’m kind that you can walk all over me. He was very wise for a teacher. I think he was wise because of some things he says and does like collecting special things and admiring certain people for what they have done.My final reason is that he treated everyone fairly no matter who they were and he didn’t have favorites.

   He might not be the best at everything, but I think that he deserves EOY I think he is one of the best educators I have ever had out of my nine years of school. He is engaging , involved , helpful, and understanding. My nomination for Educator of The Year is Mr. Thomas from Brandywine Springs.

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