Mr. Habbersett | Teen Ink

Mr. Habbersett

January 13, 2020
By Anonymous

Mr. Habbersett was my seventh and eighth grade Spanish teacher who not only gave me a background in the Spanish language, but made learning Spanish exciting for me. The first few years I took Spanish, it was one of my least favorite classes, and I did not understand it. The first day I entered Mr Habbersett’s class, I knew that my perspective on the subject was going to change. Spanish quickly became more fun for me, and I started to find the subject a lot easier. I have been doing amazing in Spanish this year, and I believe that it is because Mr. Habbersett taught me middle school Spanish so well. In my opinion, Mr Habbersett is a great candidate for this year’s Educator of the Year award. 

The first reason he is a good candidate for the Educator of the Year award is he taught my favorite class at Saint John the Beloved School. My classmates and I would constantly be glad to enter his classroom because he made our learning experience enjoyable. During my seventh grade year, he took us to a Spanish restaurant. The restaurant was called Ole Tapas, and they served amazing food. Throughout the two years Mr. Habbersett taught me, he helped me learn to love the Spanish language. The way he taught the language inspired me to want to learn more about it. The time spent in his class made every day a challenge as we covered the various topics regarding the Spanish language and culture.

Another reason he is a good candidate for the Educator of the Year award is he was very engaging and managed to control the class extremely well. My seventh and eighth grade class was not the quietest of classes, but he managed to keep us relatively controlled. He always had an amazing sense of humor, and he kept the vibe in the room positive. The positivity in the room always made his class a fun learning environment. The course that he taught, Spanish 1, was very challenging, but I learned so much from him. I don’t know how I would have managed my high school Spanish class without the knowledge I obtained in his class. The unique way that Mr. Habbersett taught the class provided a great experience for every student in his class. 

The final reason he is a good candidate for the Educator of the Year award is he made sure all of his students were prepared for high school Spanish. His goal in teaching the class was to make sure every student was ready for high school. He covered topics quickly, and he made sure to not leave out any important information. Mr. Habbersett would take extra time out of the day to help any students who were struggling. Every day he would come to work for the benefit of the students he was teaching. Any time a student had a question, he was able to answer it quickly which showed his dedication to his career. The extreme effort that he put into his career made me respect him, and it made him my favorite teacher. 

Mr. Habbersett effectively taught me the importance of the Spanish language while also teaching me to respect the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries. Learning Spanish in his class was truly a delight, and it helped me realize the effect the Spanish language has on the world. Spanish was not always a walk in the park for me, but Mr. Habbersett helped me understand the language with ease. Whenever I asked questions, he would take the time to answer them and would make sure I understood the topic. His hard work and dedication to his profession showed me that he truly cared about the success of his students. Overall, Mr. Habbersett was my favorite teacher, and I believe he deserves the Educator of the Year award.

The author's comments:

I feel that this contest is very important and gives teens a chance to show the world their writing. 

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