Educator of the Year Mrs. Nicole Florian | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year Mrs. Nicole Florian

January 13, 2020
By NilsaR BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
NilsaR BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had that one teacher that was more than just a teacher? They go the extra mile for their students, is a funny teacher and make learning fun. For me, this teacher is Mrs. Nicole Florian, my 7th and 8th grade English teacher at Las Americas Aspira Academy. She is a strong, helpful, and understanding person. She is my number one Educator of the Year. 

English was not my strongest class in school. I like a right or wrong answer. Mrs. Florian always goes the extra mile to help her students. When I enrolled into DMA, she helped me write my essay, and she made sure that everything made sense. She takes time out of her day to make sure her powerpoints are on point, and she doesn't miss a thing. I know we all have had that one teacher who just read off the board and didn't explain the information further. Mrs. Florian always explains everything and doesn't leave anything out. She is also up to answer any questions. Our 8th grade year she had to change her curriculum and had to incorporate social studies into English. She worked all summer making her presentations and did it so well. She knows what to do to help her students succeed.   

Mrs. Florian is more than just a teacher; she is also a friend. She always talks about her sons and how much they are growing everyday. She is such a good mother, taking care of her kids while her husband is fighting for our freedom in the Middle East. Mrs. Florian listens to my problems about how my 8th grade year I wasn't understanding what another teacher was teaching; she helped me through that. Mrs. Florian is such a kind and caring person; whether it's her talking about her kids or her fur babies. She has our backs when it comes to stuff about how to improve the school and make it easier to understand things with other teachers. One time, she noticed that one day all we had tests and projects for 2 weeks straight in every class. When all the teachers had a meeting, she spoke our side of the story and made it where they had a calendar of when everyone has a test and project due. Over the years we became more than just a class; we became a family.

She is not only a strong person, she also prepared us for what's to come in highschool and always made learning fun. Mrs. Florian goes the extra mile to make sure we were prepared for high school. Before she was a 7th and 8th grade English teacher, she was a high school English teacher. She knows what was ahead of us going into high school: taking a final exam, reading the same book as a class, writing multiple essays, and showing us how to cite your evidence. Whatever she is teaching, she always makes it fun. She puts fun projects together like our project about Egypt. She had us make a model, and we had a writing part to go with it. I loved the puzzles she incorporated with the class work and the funny jokes she had. I enjoyed going to her class everyday and learning new things. Teaching is more than just work; it's a passion for her.

Mrs. Florian is an overall amazing teacher. She has a passion for what she does, and she always goes the extra mile for her class. She is one of the strongest people I’ve ever met. She is more than just a teacher; she is a friend. Mrs. Florian is so kind and always listened to what I had to say. She is very hardworking and always makes class fun. Mrs. Florian is my Educator of the Year.   

The author's comments:

I'm Nilsa, a 9th grader at Delaware Military Academy. I wrote this article about Mrs. Nicole Florian, my nomination for the Educator of the Year. I had her for my 7th and 8th grade year as my english teacher at Las Americas Aspira Academy. I play volleyball for DMA and I'm also involved in the Success of Cultures Club. I am also apart of creating a debate team at DMA. I have 1 older sibling and 3 younger siblings. Thank you for reading this, and I hope you consider Mrs. Nicole Florian as the Educator of the Year. 

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