Mr. Michalcewiz | Teen Ink

Mr. Michalcewiz

January 13, 2020
By LucaTurturici1 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
LucaTurturici1 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The first time I was told about the EOY contest I immediately thought of Mr. Michalcewiz. He teaches 8th grade ELA at Springer Middle School. Mr.Mike (what he prefers to be called) is the coolest ELA teacher and my number one favorite teacher. I think he is an awesome teacher and maybe after you read this, you will too.


One of the main reasons why I chose Mr. Mike is because he is the only teacher I’ve had that focuses on their classroom environment so attentively. As soon as you walk into his classroom, you’re greeted by the smell of coffee because he always had his coffee pot brewing. He also always kept pretty chill and never raised his voice. His teaching style was different; he always incorporated a childhood story into the lesson and made it fun to learn. Mr. Mike always had a story to tell about some crazy childhood memory and a good life lesson every class.I still remember many of them.


Another very good reason why I chose Mr. Mike is because he was more like a good friend than a teacher. He always seemed like he wanted to be there. He was like the therapist for everyone in my grade. His door was always open, and he was super easy to talk to. Mr. Mike was that teacher that understands that we are 8th graders, and we are going to be stupid sometimes. For example, on Fridays when we had his class last block, he would have a laid back period and just told us  stories. He also grew up in our area, so he told us stories about our area; so he would always talk about the cool little restaurants and hideaways in town.


The third and final reason why I chose Mr. Mike is because of his positive attitude. He never disliked a student and would never judge us. He never made a negative comment under his breath and was always uplifting us. Mr. Mike respected everyone no matter what, and he was never in a bad mood. Mr. Mike also made connections with every student. He paid attention to everyone's hobbies and likes and dislikes.

Mr. Mike is truly a great teacher and a very good role model. He always strived to be the best at what he does. He also made my 8th grade year run a lot more smoothly. That is why I chose to nominate Mr. Mike for my Educator of the year contest.

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