Mrs. Smith | Teen Ink

Mrs. Smith

January 13, 2020
By emersynruggerio BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
emersynruggerio BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mrs. Smith was not only an extraordinary teacher but a life changing coach. She left such an impact on me and my character in just one year of her class and three short field hockey seasons. Most teachers meet students, teach what is needed, and continue on. That's not how Mrs. Smith's classroom worked.

In her classroom, she made sure everyone was comfortable and felt welcome. Her door was always open if you needed anything from a friend to a mother figure or even a referee between you and your best friend’s argument. No matter how stupid or minuscule the issue was, she would listen. Her character was a main reason I chose her to nominate her for Educator of the Year. It never mattered if she had work to do or if she was on her lunch break; she would help out with school work or just issues your 11-year-old brain thought were the end of the world. She put her students before herself which made her such a standout figure in my life. The qualities of her character led her students and anyone around her to follow along and be as caring and generous as her. This is just one of the many things she showed me.

Along with her character and loving personality that made everyone feel so connected to her, Mrs. Smith never hesitated to show us her tough side when needed at practice. But no matter how frustrated we made her, she loved and cared about us like we were her own children. She gave us advice when we needed it and taught us lessons when we couldn't learn them for ourselves. Having someone like Mrs. Smith as a field hockey coach all three years of middle school benefitted me in ways I appreciate endlessly. She taught me more about sportsmanship, character, and being a good teammate than any other coach or instructor could ever teach me. Of course, she sparked my love for the sport. She made me believe in my skills and have the confidence to push myself and achieve any goal I set for myself. Every year at tryouts Mrs. Smith told everyone that your spot was not guaranteed. It didn't matter who it was; everyone had to work for a spot. Each player had to prove that they had the motivation and character to be a part of her team. She assured us that everyone could be replaced. This pushed us and kept everyone doing their best and striving to be better. All the players learned how to act on and off the field. Mrs. Smith taught us about positive attitudes, how to respectfully win, and how to take a loss and learn from it. The lessons she taught me while coaching and the way she pushed us is another reason she is my nomination for Educator of the Year.

Mrs. Smith was also a huge part in helping the transition into middle school. Even though we only moved upstairs, it felt like a huge change for all of us scared 11-year-olds. Mrs. Smith was the first teacher to make me feel comfortable in their room. She made sure no student was too stressed out, and everyone was treated equally from the moment they stepped foot in her classroom. What still hasn't changed is that Mrs. Smith was always there and still is; she is supporting us, watching all of us closely, and making sure we're on the right track even in highschool. Mrs. Smith’s class was well thought out to help every student understand. This helped all of us create a love for math that followed us through into the next two years. Her class helped make our transition smoother and less stressful. Everything Mrs. Smith did to make the transition to the new environment benefit me enormously.

My educator of the Year nomination goes at Mrs. Smith who taught me so much and helped to shape me into the student I am today. She taught me things like how to learn from losses along with how to be a good teammate; these skills will forever benefit me as a student and athlete. I have Mrs. Smith to thank for the majority of the qualities and lessons I possess now. She will forever be a role model and a stand-out adult for me. I will always feel comfortable going to Mrs. Smith. She is my nomination for Educator of the Year.

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