Mrs. Zingaro | Teen Ink

Mrs. Zingaro

January 13, 2020
By katieeethompson BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
katieeethompson BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mrs. Zingaro is the best math teacher I have ever had. Math is a hard subject to teach kids, and she makes it easier for everyone. She takes care of the students and looks out for them. Mrs. Zingaro is a great teacher and should win Educator of the Year because she always goes over the information before tests. She is also very patient with the class and that must take up a lot of energy. Another great thing about Mrs. Zingaro is, she tries to make the learning more enjoyable for students. Mrs. Zingaro is a great teacher.

Another thing I love about her is that she always goes over the material that we will have on a test so we understand what we will be doing on the test and get a better grade. It helps me achieve a higher score on tests which helps my overall grade. I'm not as confused on tests which helps me take tests better. Lastly, it helps all of the kids pass, and she can tell who needs extra help.

Another reason why Mrs. Zingaro should be recognized is that she is very patient with the class. Math is a very complicated subject, and a lot of kids struggle with it. Mrs. Zingaro is very patient and will go over the material so that kids understand it, even me. She takes her time and goes through everything step by step. She knows that if she isn’t patient, the kids won't get the content and will not do well on tests. 

The last reason why Mrs. Zingaro should win this contest is that she tries to make learning easier and more enjoyable for the students. In high school kids work their butts off and put lots of effort into things. Being in an honors class is hard, and kids struggle. Mrs. Zingaro thinks of fun ways for kids to learn the math material, and it makes the kids have a better day overall. When the ways to learn is through games, it makes the students want to learn and it is much better.

In conclusion, I believe Mrs. Zingaro should win Educator of the Year. She is a great teacher; and it takes a lot of effort to make a class enjoyable and have the students enjoy learning. If she wasn’t patient with the class, didn’t go over the material and just gave us notes and a paper, and said “here you go,” she wouldn’t have been the teacher for this award. I look up to Mrs. Zingaro because I have always struggled in math, and now I am doing much better, and I would just like to say thank you by nominating her for this award.

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