Mr. Walker | Teen Ink

Mr. Walker

January 13, 2020
By jckane9 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
jckane9 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Walker is my choice for Educator of the Year. Mr. Walker has been a huge help to me for introducing me to DMA and the school’s hard work ethic. He has supported my classmates and I to the best of his ability, and I am very thankful for that. He is a great teacher, and we all love to be in his presence during school and even during other activities outside of school. 

Mr. Walker is a fantastic teacher. He is great at explaining the content he is teaching, which not all teachers are. He has the ability to make what he is teaching interesting. One way he does this is by comparing common situations that we can relate to that may have even happened in our lives to situations or problems that happen in the government and/or law. Mr. Walker also is superb at staying on task to the day’s agenda. 

Mr. Walker is a very creative and fun teacher. He incorporates lots of jokes in his content. While doing this, however, he knows how to make jokes and stay on track at the same time. He uses new methods to teach and emphasize the importance of the content he is teaching us. 

Mr. Walker is an all around great person and is dedicated to making sure his students give their best effort in class and on tests or quizzes. The first day of school, Mr. Walker gave the class an ice breaker where we had to say our names and a fun fact about ourselves. This helped the class bond even though we were very nervous and shy at first. Before midterm and final exams, he sets up a meeting with us at Panera Bread to help us study and get a good grade on the big exams. He takes time out of his own personal life for this, and we all appreciate that. He even comes to some of my basketball games. 

Mr. Walker will forever be one of my favorite teachers at DMA and throughout my entire student career. He acts as not only a teacher but also a role model in my life. He treats us as more than students he treats us as friends. I hope I have more teachers and meet more people like him. This is why Mr. Walker is my choice for Educator of the Year. 

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