Mr. Miller | Teen Ink

Mr. Miller

January 13, 2020
By ashleyhughes BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
ashleyhughes BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had that one special teacher? The one you can tell anything to, you can joke around with, and that is fun to be around? Many people can relate to this, and for me, the teacher was Mr. Miller. Mr. Miller is an eighth-grade math teacher and the school soccer coach. Although I did not have him as a teacher, I did have him as a soccer coach for two years. I think Mr. Miller deserves the Educator of the Year because of the helpful, fun, tolerant, and understanding person that he is. 

Mr. Miller is unquestionably the most helpful teacher I have ever met, which helped my eighth-grade year to be more enjoyable. Although he was an algebra one teacher and I was taking geometry, I could still rely on him anytime, and he would help me to the best of his ability. Sometimes it didn’t work out the best, but the help he gave meant a lot. Also, he would help me if I didn’t feel well, such as having me sit out of a game if I was sick, or had a tournament the entire weekend. Mr. Miller also has allowed me to come and help out in his classroom for community service hours that are necessary for high school. He has helped me to succeed in many ways in and out of school, and because of this, he should be the Educator of the Year.

Mr. Miller not only helped with school, but he was also a big help in sports. In middle school, the soccer team was “co-ed” which means both boys and girls played together. Almost all the girls played volleyball or field hockey, so I ended up being one of two girls on the team. I respected the fact that there was all equal treatment, and you couldn’t get out of anything because of your gender. He also didn’t put me below any of the guys; he showed this by assigning me one of the captains and rewarding me the MVP of the team. Since I also play travel, he would not hesitate to take my advice or input on something, and it is nice to have your opinion valued. Mr. Miller is a great educator in school and on the field, and this makes him a great nominee.

Not only was Mr. Miller very helpful and nice, but he is someone that you can always go to and have fun with. There were many situations in school where we weren’t in an actual class, and I could go to his room and have many different conversations. Whether it was soccer, our lives, classes, or even pointless girl drama, he was always there to talk and laugh. He was always curious and cared to know how things were going in my life. This is a great attribute that is rare for a teacher to have, which is why Mr. Miller is a special teacher.

Every trait that Mr. Miller has qualifies him to be the Educator of the Year. All he wants is for his students to be successful, and he helped me and proved it in many ways. His helpfulness, attentiveness, and considerateness provided me with someone to go to and that made my middle school years much more fun. All Mr. Miller's attributes put him above any other teacher and should make him, hands down, the Educator of the Year.

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