Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

January 13, 2020
By gabbyfalasca BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
gabbyfalasca BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Hussar is an extraordinary teacher; he was one of the only teachers that made me look forward to school. He is a physical education teacher at Brandywine Springs School, and he is one of the best teachers I have ever had. He has always inspired me to reach my goals.

Mr. Hussar always helped his students, and made sure they stayed out of trouble. Whenever we had to do workouts, he would make sure no one cheated. He would also give advice in class when my friends and I would ask him questions. If we were struggling with one of our exercises, he would encourage us to keep going. He never wanted to see one of his students struggle with anything. 

He is the kind of person that would talk to anyone. Mr. Hussar is very friendly. He is easy to talk to and is approachable. I am a very shy student, but he is the only teacher I didn’t have a problem talking to. My friends and I would always talk to him and make jokes with him. I would always look forward to going to PE class. Even when I didn’t have that class, he always said hello when I passed him in the halls. 

Whenever we would do workouts, he always pushed us to get the best results. He made us work hard with whatever we were doing. In the winter, we do 20 minute workouts in the beginning of the class. Everyone was sore the next day because of it. He always encouraged us to chase our dreams. 

Mr. Hussar should win the Educator of the Year Award. He really deserves this award for all he has done for his students. He is compassionate about his job. He is constantly helping his students and encouraging them, and he always pushes us toward our goals. Therefore Mr. Hussar is most deserving of this award.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece nominating my middle school PE teacher for the educator of the year award.

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