Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

January 13, 2020
By avasimone9 BRONZE, Middletown, Delaware
avasimone9 BRONZE, Middletown, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of the Year Nomination
      The Educator of the Year that I chose to nominate is, Mr.John Grant a counselor and band director from the Delaware Military Academy. I chose to nominate him because of his great teaching skills,his positive attitude and the fact that  Mr. Grant is by far one of the best music teachers ever that I’ve had. 

     Mr.Grant’s teaching skills are very good. He can solve a problem with a good solution. He is also very dedicated to teaching us about the music that we are playing. Mr.Grant gives us a lot of challenging tasks to do, and he helps each and every person if they are having a challenging time. 

    Mr.Grant is one of my best teachers in the musical area because of his teaching ethics. He’s very determined to get us as a band finish with our songs. With Mr.Grant’s work ethic he has brought us as a band to be very successful. He has led us to get high scores and brought us to be second in our division in the championships. 

   Having a positive attitude as a teacher is a very good aspect in teaching high school, and I believe that Mr.Grant has a very good attitude. A good attitude brings good vibes which causes the band to get all of the work done. It also allows for the band to keep the positive vibes. 

    In conclusion, I believe that Mr.Grant should win Educator of the Year. He has a positive attitude, teaching skills, and is by far one of the best teachers that I’ve had for music. Overall Mr.Grant is a great teacher/counselor at the Delaware Military Academy.

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