Mrs. Limmina | Teen Ink

Mrs. Limmina

January 13, 2020
By aydenfrost BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
aydenfrost BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Education during primitive years is paramount to success in life. Educators who make an impact help to engage students and can be the difference in standard versus exceptional educational experiences for students. According to CNN “students with more effective teachers are more successful”. These students are also more likely to go to college and earn higher salaries than students who don't have effective teachers. Mrs. Limmina is a math teacher that raises the bar and helps to make education more than just the school day; being in her class is a lifetime experience. 

To start, Mrs Limmina goes out of her way to help students. She schedules time after school nearly everyday to make sure we can understand and learn the material needed to pass the class.  I personally have never needed to take advantage of this, but I have many friends who seek the help and understanding of the material, and after seeing her have a better grasp of the material. She makes a point to stop and ask for questions, and she will do countless examples to try and help those who don't comprehend. She gives out extra worksheets and does extra problems on the board herself in order to help us understand. She creates extra credit packets for her classes to use if they need help or a grade boost. Finally, she always offers many solutions to personal problems and will always listen to us and hear what we say. 

Secondly, she has a consistently nice personality. Mrs. Limmina always tries to listen to us and will always try to help us no matter what we ask. She offers help and support for those of us who need it and has no problem staying late to help a student. She is a very happy person ,and she always tries to get us to look on the bright side of things. She always says things like “good morning” to us everyday and is always telling us “hope you have a good day” every time we leave her class. She will always say positive things to try and cheer us up or rub her positive attitude off on us. She has an infectious attitude that spreads to nearly all students that see her at Delaware Military Academy.

Finally, Mrs Limmina is relatable. She is the youngest  teacher in our school and had a very similar experience to what we have now as students. She understands that we’re not always going to be in the mood to learn and will let us do games or games to help wake us up and be excited about learning. She understands and cares about our problems and doesn’t have to try very hard to understand us. She is familiar with our likes and dislikes because she shares many of the same opinions, which allows her to make the lessons more effective and easier for us to grasp.

To conclude, educators such as Mrs. Limmina help make education more than just something you have to go through, but something kids want to do. I want to attend her class because she is always there for students and wants to help them. She always treats us nicely even when she has a bad day, and she has a great positive attitude that is infectious. Last but not least, she is easy to talk to and is relatable. Mrs Limmina embodies what it takes to be an outstanding educator. It is because of these attributes that I believe Mrs Limmina deserves the honor of Educator of the Year.

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