Educator of the Year Essay | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year Essay

January 13, 2020
By Aidan-J BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
Aidan-J BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mrs. Limmina is one of the nicest, fun-loving, intriguing teachers that I’ve ever met. She teaches math at the Delaware Military Academy. I am currently in her algebra one class, but she teaches multiple levels of math at school. Ms. Limmina is always trying to exceed the best standards for the school with her work and the time she puts into her students.

One of the key details you will learn about Ms. Limmina right away is that she is an incredible helper. She always thoroughly states and explains all the topics of the test until she can be satisfied with the fact that we all understand the information and make sure we all do well on the quiz or test. A big thing Ms. Limmina does all the time is she tells students to ask questions because she never wants to leave a student with an undetermined thought. Right when a student asks a question, she either talks to them personally or in front of the classroom to make sure that she can confirm the answer for them. Overall, she is an amazing teacher to bond with and she creates a great student-teacher relationship.

Another thing Ms. Limmina is extremely good at is listening. Ms. Limmina listens to her students to create bonds so that her students can trust her. Plus, this helps with the shy kids who aren't extroverts so they too can feel comfortable talking to Ms. Limmina about any unresolved questions. Now, we have in our class all types of students talking to Ms. Limmina about questions because she listens to what the students say and responds with a nonchalant answer. With this comes the fact that all the students enjoy walking into Ms. Limminas class every day although knowing they’re going to be learning they are going to enjoy doing it.

The final incredible thing about Ms. Limmina is that she is always prepared for any class with notes and a worksheet. Some teachers just go with the flow with their teaching schedule which doesn’t always leave students in the best direction for upcoming tests and quizzes, but Ms. Limmina always prepares us with all the information we need for any test. In her class, students always get the information they are taught, and they get it down fast. At the end of it, all through her preparing for class, every day is a huge favor for us students which I most sincerely thank her for.

Ms. Limmina is extremely helpful to all students across the school with her time put in for her students, and her own personal time to make sure her class is always on task. She is a big part of DMA and without her, it wouldn’t be the same. With her insane amount of effort into the students and classwork, it leads me to believe she deserves the most for a teacher. On top of it all, she is an extremely generous teacher who I believe deserves the Educator of the Year award.

The author's comments:

This is an article about my favorite teacher.

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