Ms.Sharp | Teen Ink


January 13, 2020
By Sabriepurnell BRONZE, New Castle, Delaware
Sabriepurnell BRONZE, New Castle, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I met Ms. Sharp when I entered middle school; I was a struggling student that was considered below average. Ms. Sharp was my math teacher,and on the first day of class, she told us that the class wouldn’t be easy. This scared me because I wasn't the most confident in math. Her class was the last class of the day,and we would all be tired and ready to leave. Ms. Sharp would let us do interesting things to grab our attention like using colorful pens and markers when taking notes.

Ms. Sharp told me that I could get good grades,and she let me know that it is always okay to mess up. I learned that I wasn’t going to always get things right. I began to understand math by the end of 6th grade, and I got on track with everyone else in my class. I was inspired to be a better student, and I realized that I made I should always try to work the problem out when doing math.

She always made her class fun and she always had the funniest jokes. If I needed help with math, she would sit down and talk it out with me. Ms. Sharp kept me on track when I would talk too much in class too by reminding me to stay focused. She would always say I was her daughter, and she wanted to see me succeed.

Ms. Sharp was at George Read for a long time, but she left after I completed the 7th grade. I was upset at first when I heard about her leaving, but then I was okay. I learned a lot about life and school from Ms. Sharp; she is a very inspiring person. I was glad I had her as a teacher. She is now a third-grade teacher, and I know her students love her. She is such a happy person, but don’t cross her because she can be firm too.

When I think back to 6th and 7th grade, I feel that these were the best times of my school career. Ms. Sharp made my middle school experience flow easier when I thought I would never catch up. For this, I will forever be grateful for her being a part of my middle school experience. They say the key to learning is a great teacher, and Ms Sharp is most definitely the definition of this. For these reasons and more, I nominate her for Teen Educator of The Year Award.

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