Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

January 13, 2020
By jordyncatron1 BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
jordyncatron1 BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Spanish is not my strong point but Señora White is very funny and very nice. Señora White lets us watch movies and talk a lot. She lets us play fun games with partners for review as well. We listen to music when we do worksheets and corrections. Furthermore, she doesn’t make us do work that is too difficult especially after breaks and weekends, and she makes it fun.

Spanish is my block one class, and I like it because we can have a few minutes before announcements that she lets us do whatever. I love doing partner work in her class because my best friend is in there. Spanish is also the second most spoken language in the world. It is a good language to learn, especially since over 50 million people speak Spanish as their native or second language. Native Spanish speaking countries are Spain, some Central and South America, and several Caribbean countries speak Spanish.

There are more Spanish speakers in the U.S. than in any other Spanish speaking country. Spain is often visited by tourists due to its beautiful history and art. Señora White said she has been to Spain for vacations. Today in Spanish we were reviewing everything from the whole semester.

Over 50 million Americans claim to have some Hispanic heritage. Señora White’s second language is Spanish. She speaks it so fluently; it could be her native language. The best time I remember Señora helping me is when we had the midterms and we had half a day; she stayed with me and this other student because our parents were running late. She is always helping everyone by staying after to make sure they know what they are doing. 

In conclusion, Señora White is an overall very nice, kind, and helpful person. She is always helping everyone and making sure we understand what she is teaching. Fridays she is very excited and she lets us do work, but sometimes we watch videos and movies. We always review the material before tests and it is a study guide, homework, or games. I’d like to thank her for making this first semester great by nominating her for Educator of the Year.

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