Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

January 13, 2020
By Anonymous

I am nominating Dan Hahn for educator of the year. Dan Hahn was my football coach at Holy Angels in 7th and 8th grade and both those years we won the championship of our league. He was a great coach, and he helped me improve from the beginning of my 7th grade year to the end of my 8th grade year. He was also one of the main reasons that the Holy Angels football team won the championship 10 times of the 12 years he coached.

One of the main reasons he was a good coach was because he knew how to make players confident at positions they had not played before. For example, I wanted to be quarterback during my 8th grade year because the previous year I had been the second string quarterback. But, since there was a new quarterback that was performing better, he moved me to running back before the first game. I ended up doing better at running back and scoring a few touchdowns that season. There were many kids who ended up starting at a different position than what they tried out for at the beginning of the season.

Another reason why I’m nominating Coach Hahn is because he was great at game planning. When he would hear about a rival receiver, we would discuss strategy and adjust our defense so that we could stop our opponent. In the game we played, the receiver barely did anything against our defense. Another way he was a good game planner was that he knew what routes the receivers had to run based on the defense lined up.

Finally, I am nominating Coach Hahn for Educator of the Year because he knew how to get our team ready. He would always give pre-game speeches to get us prepared before every game. And ,although we were struggling towards the beginning of the season, he never gave up on us; coach would keep making us work harder and harder each practice so we could become better football players for high school and maybe beyond.

In conclusion, Coach Dan Hahn is a great person and a great football coach. He taught me and many others to become great football players and great individuals. I don't believe our football team would have been so good for my two years on the team if he and his assistant coaches did not coach us. They changed me as a football player, student, and person in many great ways. FOr all these reasons I am nominating him for Educator of the Year.

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