Ms .Laneve | Teen Ink

Ms .Laneve

January 13, 2020
By Anonymous

   For my Educator Of The Year I chose Ms Laneve, she was my drama teacher for seventh and eighth grade. I chose her because she was always there when any student needed her, and she taught one of my favorite classes, drama. I was more into writing plays and coming up with ideas than acting, and she understood that, so she helped me a lot.Also, she let us start our own club called drama club.

   She's a really good teacher. She really knew how to make the lessons interesting to us to so we’d actually pay attention and get something out of her class. Another reason, during our advisory which was just free class.She would let us go to her classroom. Her classroom was really fun because she didn’t have any desks; it was all beanbags and yoga balls, so It was just a fun safe environment. Plus she got us food all the time which was great. :)


After a few months of a group of people going into her class every day during Advisory, we decided we wanted to make a club; we called this club the drama club. What we did was we went to less fortunate places such as nursing homes, homeless shelters and places like that to get stories from people and work at them to make plays in monologues, and we would eventually perform them for them. The first place we went was a nursing home in Wilmington, and we met a lot of elders that were honestly a lot more energetic and fun than we expected. We went there three times, and it was a lot of fun. The cool part about this club was it wasn’t really the teacher telling us what we needed to do; it was more like the kids were more responsible and it gave us a sense of responsibility and accomplishment.

   Ms.laneve was there for me a lot. For example, last year when I was just going through stuff and my grades were not too good, nobody said anything, but she pulled me aside, and she asked if everything was fine. Nothing was really wrong specifically, but I was just really stressed out, and she talked to me about it, and made me feel a lot better about everything. Eventually my grades went up.

    In conclusion, my educator of the year is Ms Laneve. She taught my favorite class, she is a great observer and listener, and we felt comfortable around her to tell her personal things, and she wouldn’t judge us.

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