Mr.Thomas | Teen Ink


January 13, 2020
By Briannabosco77 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Briannabosco77 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

    Have you ever had a teacher that was amazing even though it was a subject that you disliked? Well let me tell you about Mr.Thomas.  He was my 8th grade Social Studies teacher at Brandywine Spring, and he made the class easy and likable. I am nominating him for Educator of the Year because of these reasons.

    One reason I think Mr.Thomas should be Educator of the Year is because he makes social studies fun. Social Studies was a really boring subject for me and Mr.Thomas made it not-so-boring by allowing the students to engage in activities. This makes him a great teacher because it was very hard to not fall asleep in his class, and we enjoyed the class as a whole. Another reason I nominated Mr.Thomas, is because he understands the students. Mr.Thomas always took the students thoughts into consideration and never said “this is wrong” or “this is the correct answer.” He always made sure he knew where the students were getting their ideas and how they got them. The third reason I nominated Mr.Thomas is because he is very helpful; he always helped the class  when they had any questions. 

    Another reason I think Mr.Thomas should be Educator of the Year is because he always makes sure that the students understand the subject. This makes him an amazing teacher because he makes sure no one is left behind at any point. He also provides simulations to engage and help the students understand a subject a lot better.I know that these simulations were a big help for me when I didn’t understand the topic. 

    Some more reasons I nominated him because he gives students a chance to get extra credit. He would give as much extra credit as possible to make sure no one was failing terribly. This also gave kids a chance to raise their grade if they needed a few points to get to the next letter grade. He also teaches in a way students would understand. For example, if he was teaching a very complicated topic, he would narrow it down and make sure his students understood it before moving on. 

    In conclusion, I believe that Mr.Thomas should be Educator of the Year. He makes the class fun, understands the students, is helpful, always makes sure the students understand the subject, provides simulations, gives chances for students to get extra credit, and he teaches in a way students understand. These things are the most important qualities in making an amazing teacher, and he exemplifies every single one of them.  

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This article is about how Mr.Thomas is an amazing teacher. 

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