Coach Tank | Teen Ink

Coach Tank

January 14, 2020
By Cooper2905 BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
Cooper2905 BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
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One of the most influential educators in my young life so far is my freshman football coach, coach Tank. Tank is one of the best coaches I have ever had; he is a leader, play caller, he is not afraid to get angry with us to get a point across or be a nice person to give you respect, so we give him the same respect. Coach tank is known by many names but a few that people are not afraid to call him a friend, leader, and brother. 

Coach Tank is a very influential leader on and off the football field. He knows how to handle teenagers at practice, at games, and even when they are in a school environment; he always knows how to tell his players how to act right. As 14 and 15-year-olds, we do not know how to properly act with coaches, but coach Tank taught us how to not only treat our coaching staff with the utmost respect but also other adults and other coaches from other teams too. Coach tank is one of the funniest men I’ve ever met; everybody on his freshman team, on the coaching staff, and even on the varsity and junior varsity everyone... has the utmost respect for this man and he is just a very influential human being. I am glad that I play for this man.

As a Coach, Tank is a person that is a great play caller and leader; as a friend, he is a person I trust and can tell anything to, and as a brother on the field, I can honestly say I would like to know this man for the rest of my life. The things Coach Tank has done for me have greatly improved my abilities on and off the field. This man taught me how to have great sportsmanship with my fellow teammates, my coaches, my opponents, and other coaches so DMA will always have a reputation as having a positive athletic program, and Tank has helped DMA sports keep that reputation. My final thought here is that coach Tank has not just inspired me but  he has inspired many young men at DMA, and he is helping to create the next generation of respectful young men at the. 

The best way to become a successful, respectful,  and responsible young man is to learn by example, and Coach Tank has set that example for many young men in our football program. Coach Tank has earned a respectable reputation and has a prosperous career in coaching football so far.Can only with the best for him, and I would love for him to watch me grow as a football player for many years . Every single coach at DMA stands out in a way, and they all are wonderful people and coaches, but Coach Tank is the one coach that stands out over everyone; he is a hard worker, he knows when to call plays, and most importantly he is one of the most respectful men I’ve met. He is definitely someone 

I would consider a role model in my life.

Coaching and especially coaching teenagers is a hard thing to do, but coach Tank has perfected his craft,  and he is one of the most amazing guys to learn from. He is a well respected man who is well educated in the game is football. Finally he is a friend, Coach, and most important a person anybody can trust. This is why he is the perfect choice for Teen Ink’s educator of the year



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I am a freshman at the Delaware Military acedemy. I play baseball football and basketball 

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