Master Sergeant Jordan | Teen Ink

Master Sergeant Jordan

January 14, 2020
By serenitywagner BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
serenitywagner BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

    For Educator of the Year I choose Master Sergeant Jordan. He is a big part of why I’m surviving my first year of high school. Going into my first year at Delaware Military Academy, I thought he would be my strictest teacher, but he’s been the most helpful. The main reasons I chose Master Sergeant Jordan is because he’s easy to talk to, he’s supportive, and he cares a lot about each cadet.

  The first reason why I chose Master Sergeant Jordan for Educator of the Year is because he’s very easy to talk to. Everytime someone talks to him, he starts messing with them, and makes jokes. He always keeps the conversation going, and while he makes jokes he still supports us. He’s easy to talk to is because he gives good advice. For example, I was worrying about my first cheer game; he helped me calm down, and he made not be as nervous. The most admirable quality about him is that he talks to every cadet as a friend than a teacher or boss.

  Master Sergeant Jordan is very supportive, and prepares us well. Weekly he gives us practice for the ASVAB test so we do well, and always have a backup plan. He repeats that we shouldn’t over stress ourselves with too many activities, but he encourages us to do at least one. Lastly, he always lets us know he can be a resource for help with anything so we don’t fail or if anything isn’t going right at home.

  Another cool thing about Master Sergeant Jordan is that he cares a lot about his cadets. He’s always on the alert to see or hear if everything is okay with everybody; also he lets you know you can talk to him. He also prepares us for tests in his class or state tests (even ASVAB.) Lastly he makes sure he gives us time to study for finals in his classroom so we are less stressed about them.

  There are a lot of things I could tell you about MSGT; he’s very wise, and he pushes us to reach our goals. I chose to nominate him and tell you about the things that are getting me through freshman year so well. This is why I choose Master Sergeant Jordan for Educator of the Year.

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