Mr. Miller | Teen Ink

Mr. Miller

January 14, 2020
By annikadowns BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
annikadowns BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I walked into math class on the first day of 8th grade, I knew it was going to be a fantastic year! I was greeted by Mr. Miller. Right off the bat, I could tell that he was very nice. I transferred from Cab Calloway to HB Dupont at the beginning of my 8th grade year. Mr. Miller was very welcoming and made me feel like I had been at HB since 6th grade. He always made the class laugh by telling hilarious jokes. He made my 8th grade year very memorable.

Mr. Miller was one of the nicest teachers I have ever had. Unlike some teachers, he wanted to have a connection with his students. He passed out candy during every test! He was always willing to help if we had any questions about our work. He always told us to “never give up” and “you can do this.” He made learning super fun in the classroom.

Transferring schools in 8th grade year was rough. I already had some friends at HB, but I didn’t know any of the teachers. Being in classes with a ton of new people wasn’t the easiest thing, but Mr. Miller made sure that I was included. He would always ask me about softball, how I was doing, and if I had a tournament that weekend or not. It was nice to have a conversation with a teacher that wasn’t just focused on schoolwork.

Mr. Miller was also one of the most fun teachers I have ever had. He always made math so fun. Math isn’t my strongest subject, but he made seem it easy. He would teach the class fun ways to figure out different equations. A funny teacher makes students excited to go to class and learn.

In conclusion, Mr. Miller made my 8th grade year memorable. Switching schools was not easy, but he made me feel very welcome. He was very nice, funny, and connected well with the students. I will never forget him, so I nominate him for Teen Ink’s Educator of the Year.

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