LA Collier | Teen Ink

LA Collier

January 15, 2020
By gsama2 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
gsama2 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. L.A. Collier, Delaware Military Academy’s head wrestling coach, has provided me with guidance and support both academically and athletically.  Mr. Collier is a caring educator who has consistently looked out for me both on and off the wrestling mat.  He is a wise educator, and he always provides me with good insight whenever I am searching for an answer.  Mr. Collier is always willing to go above and beyond to help me in any way, shape, or form. 

Mr.  Collier is a caring coach who goes above and beyond the role of a coach and wants to form some type of relationship with each of the athletes on the team.  An example of this is when he stays 30 minutes after practice to make sure everyone has a ride home, he talks to any player who wants to speak to him about school, sports or home.  Furthermore, he offered to buy school supplies with his own money for athletes who needed help to ensure their success in the classroom.  L.A. Collier serves as a caring role model who maintains a positive attitude with every wrestler on his team.

   L.A. Collier uses his state championship wrestling experience and his wisdom to help make each one of us be the best wrestlers we can be.  He sets a high bar for everyone to meet their personal best.  At the end of practice, when we are tired, he often says “This last drill is a lot like there is only 1-minute left, and you need to score to win states”.  He creates that situation to show us to dig deep.  He also teaches us to set and attain our own goals for our performance on the mat.  Mr. Collier provides wisdom and guidance to his team with the goal of making everyone a state champion.

  What has been most impressive and that has impacted me the most is that Coach Collier is willing to do all that he can to make us the best student-athletes we can be.  He took time out of his schedule to talk to the Athletic Director to see if I was getting the assistance that I needed to be a successful student-athlete.  The coach became aware that reading is difficult for me and this was hurting my grades.  Just as he ensured I had the support I needed to be a successful wrestler, he wanted to also ensure that I had the necessary support to succeed in school.  Coach Collier reinforces how it is important to perform in the classroom first, and then on the mat.  He personally wants to ensure his wrestlers, including me, are provided with the resources they need to succeed.

What makes a qualified educator of the year?  The three characteristics that make a great educator, regardless if they are a teacher or a coach, are caring for their students or athletes, wisdom, and the willingness to help their students, or athletes, succeed.  Mr. L.A. Collier, DMA’s wrestling coach, consistently demonstrates all of these important characteristics. In my eyes, Mr. Leverett Collier is most deserving of the award of qualified Educator of the Year.

The author's comments:

He is a great role modle

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