Lloyd Massey | Teen Ink

Lloyd Massey

February 10, 2020
By 21lyarbrough BRONZE, Austin, Texas
21lyarbrough BRONZE, Austin, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine walking into math class everyday and being greeted with a joke. Lloyd Massey, my algebra II teacher, served as one of the best teachers I have ever had. Mr. Massey allowed me to arrive to school and look forward to learning about math. He began and ended each class with a smile and a, “See ya ‘round like a donut!” As the year went on, I only grew like Mr. Massey more and more. Even this year, when I am not in his class, he still takes the time out of his day to talk to me and ask me how I am doing in life. He cares so much for his students and shows a passion for the subject he teaches. Being an open book, Mr. Massey is not afraid to share components and lessons he has learned from his personal life. Mr. Massey shared the story of his son, Neil, and how he passed away when he was very young. This touched the hearts of many students and allowed us to relate to Mr. Massey on a personal level. Every year, Mr. Massey has a birthday party for Neil at his favorite restaurant, Fudruckers. He invites all of his students, family members, and close friends to join him as he celebrates Neil’s life and the great person he was. Mr. Massey has taught me to cherish the little things in life and to make the most out of every situation. I will never forget Lloyd Massey and the lessons he taught me, and he will forever be my favorite teacher. 

The author's comments:

Mr. Massey is easily the educator of the year.

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