5TH Grade Teacher | Teen Ink

5TH Grade Teacher

February 10, 2020
By Anonymous

Fifth Grade is a year not many juniors would remember because it was so long ago. But, when you have the most spectacular teacher like the one I had you would remember every detail about it. Mrs. Henderson was a huge lady who not only was enormous in size but was humongous in the heart. She was the teacher who would go the extra mile for you and was the one to keep you in line even if you weren't in school or in her class. I could remember the multiple times that children in my grade and grade below or above me would get put in their place. She was the teacher who drew out the potential that was hidden inside of me. I say that because she was the one who pushed for three-year-old me to start first grade. She is also the person who made sure that I was doing the right thing cause what made her even better was the fact that she was God-fearing. She made sure that everyone who came in contact with left knowing the Lord. In addition, she was the one to pick me up when I had fallen down into grief because of the passing of my grandparents. Mrs. Henderson was the best teacher I had in history which means a lot because I’m normally the kid in the back of the class who is quiet and doesn't talk to the teacher. However, she was the person who connected with everyone and every person that ever stepped in her class remember her as one of their best teachers they ever knew.

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