Mrs. Skyles | Teen Ink

Mrs. Skyles

February 10, 2020
By ashlynnveach BRONZE, Austin, Texas
ashlynnveach BRONZE, Austin, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A good teacher is someone who doesn't only teach you good information pushing you to succeed in the future, but it also someone who is an inspiration and a role model for your life. Someone who did that for me was my Pre Algebra teacher, Mrs. Skyles, in 8th grade. She pushed me to always do my best whether that was in school, or in life. She encouraged me and always reminded me how intelligent I was, even if I didn't feel that way. Not only was she inspiring and a role model, but also she made learning fun. Although, her Pre- Algebra class was my most beneficial math class that I have taken. She knew how to make us want to learn, but at the same time allowed us to have fun and relax.  Her class was my favorite of the day because before we got to work, she would let us debrief and talk about our days. She always wanted to know what was going on in our life, serious or not. Mrs. Skyles, sadly, was moved to Midland for her husband's new job. This was devastating to me and my fellow classmates, considering that bond we had made with our teacher. Mrs. Skyles leaving was extremely sad to the whole school, and everyone who got to know her, but she ensured us that she would always be a short text or phone call away. To us, she was not just a teacher, she was a role model, an inspiration, a friend, and most importantly the educator of my life.

The author's comments:

I am a junior at Hyde Park highschool, and I wrote about my 8th grade math teacher.

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