Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

February 12, 2020
By Anonymous

I would like to write my educator of the year on my former football coach, Scott Horne. Coach Horne had a very big impact on my life, especially during my middle school years which can be very difficult for a growing teenager. He was my middle school football coach from sixth to eighth grade. To me he was much more. He was a mentor, a friend, and someone I could talk to. He helped me through most of my personal issues going on at school and he did so in a brave and courageous manner. I will always remember him as courageous. He was active duty in the United States Navy for nearly thirty years! He had to leave his family several times over the course of their lives and it was very difficult for them to adapt to their father/husband not being there. He put his faith in God that his family would be alright without him. He always had God at his number one and he made it his mission to love everyone he interacted with. I will forever be grateful for the love he put into my life and he is still one of my biggest inspirations to this day!

The author's comments:

I have much respect for Coach Horne and I'm very grateful for all he has done!

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