Mr. Andrews | Teen Ink

Mr. Andrews

March 9, 2020
By michaelmick BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
michaelmick BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

First semester freshman year, I was thrown into the Arrowhead High School grind. I remember my first classes vividly because it ended up shaping how I treated the rest of my high school career. 

English 9 with Mr. Andrews. I took my seat in class after barely finding my way to the room and I felt as if I belonged. Mr. Andrews was the most interesting, quirky, funny, and enthusiastic teacher I had ever seen. I was so surprised to see a teacher treat school this way. Growing up, I was not into English. I hated to read and resented writing; I thought nothing would change that. 

Mr. Andrews made English fun and interesting. He would bring the energy up in the room; he told funny jokes and tried to act like a teenager. He did a cartwheel in front of the class so everyone could record it and share it. It was almost as if he wanted us to make other students jealous we were getting the best high school experience ever.

Mr. Andrews also made sure he was informed of social media. He would take fun and wacky Instagram pictures with his classes and he would post them so everyone could see them. 

Along with making learning and class fun, Mr. Andrews also is one of the only teachers I’ve had that made it fun to study and gave an incentive to do so. I remember when he created a studying game and made it a competition between his classes to see who could study the most. I’m competitive so I ended up getting third place and I didn’t even have to take the quiz as a reward.

After freshman year ended, I didn’t have him on my schedule. I thought English 9 was going to be the only time I ever saw him before I graduated. Lucky for me, I was wrong. 

Junior year, my friend convinced me to try out for the golf team. I showed up to tryouts, not knowing what to expect and then I saw him. Mr. Andrews was the JV golf team coach and if I could manage to make the team, he would be my coach for the season. I somehow made the team and he was my coach so I got one last dose of Mr. Andrews’s greatness before I graduating high school. 

I cherish the moments I got to spend with him throughout my high school career; he has a special place in my mind and heart.

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