Mrs. Barbee | Teen Ink

Mrs. Barbee

March 9, 2020
By armygirl360 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
armygirl360 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


I am a junior at Arrowhead High School, and so far I have had Mrs. Barbee’s creative and eager personality throughout my high school career. Seeing Mrs. Barbee for 80 minutes every other day is the highlight of my day. I go into her class to be creative.

I’m not the best when it comes to any other classes; I like hands-on work and being able to create something with my hands. She has taught me so many different skills that range from cooking to sewing, all the way to floor plans for houses. All of those skills I will continue to perfect and use may be in a job someday (unlike the quadratic formula that I only used for a unit in math).

I personally never went to Mrs. Barbee with any sort of problem or issue I was having, but I knew if I needed that she would be the one to go to. I knew she would give me her honest opinion.

Mrs. Barbee is a superhero, in design and clothing; she taught her classes the sewing basics and how to make pajama pants. We did so many projects in that class. And even better, in food and nutrition, she taught me how to make a homemade roux!

Mrs. Barbee teaches a well-rounded amount of classes; she teaches parenting, fashion analysis, design and clothing, world of children, food and nutrition, and interior design! I mean wow, can you believe that?! Those classes come with so many different skills but Mrs. Barbee knows it all! She’s amazing at what she does.

Thank you, Mrs. Barbee, for being the devoted and intelligent teacher you are. Thank you for helping me figure out what I would like to do with my life. Your classes gave me a different look into creating.

The author's comments:

A tribute to my favorite teacher. 

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