My Favorite Educator | Teen Ink

My Favorite Educator

March 10, 2020
By AHSwimmer BRONZE, Okauchee, Wisconsin
AHSwimmer BRONZE, Okauchee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The start of sophomore year at Arrowhead High School was one of the hardest times. I moved from Lincoln, Nebraska to Hartland, Wisconsin—a place I had never seen nor heard of. I drove up from Nebraska one day and the next day, went to a new school. 

At my prior school, I was advanced in math and was put into classes with sophomores and juniors when I was a freshman. I was one of the brightest students and math came easily. When I moved to Arrowhead, everything changed. I was with students my own age that were intelligent and more advanced. I felt behind and I never would have gotten through 10th grade precalculus if it weren’t for Mrs. Obermann.

Mrs. Obermann is a caring, compassionate, and committed teacher who looked out for me and helped me when I needed it most. She understood how hard the move was for me and often asked, “How are you doing today, Bennett?” 

When I felt like I asked a basic and dumb question, she never laughed at me; she was happy to answer my questions. She also was patient when I didn’t understand where she got a variable, an answer, or even a simple addition. 

Precalculus at Arrowhead was the first math class I ever struggled in. I remember getting tests back that were almost half the score of what I would have averaged in Nebraska. Yet, everytime, Mrs. Obermann was there reassuring me we would figure it out. She was a generous, genuine, and giving teacher. 

I remember walking into her classroom seventh period just to ask a question and never once did she tell me she didn’t have time or that she was too busy. 

I would walk in and say, “Hey, Mrs. O, do you have time for a question or two?” or “I have no clue what I’m doing on this. Can you please help?” And her response was almost always, “of course I can help you” or “what do you not understand exactly?” She always made sure I got what I needed and never told me she was too busy to help (even though I came in nearly every day). 

She not only taught me math, but she also taught me how to show people compassion, and taught me to help people because everyone needs someone in their life that they can ask for help.

Mrs. Obermann is everything I look for in a teacher: kind and caring, but fun. She always wanted students to feel comfortable and made sure each student got what they needed. 

 Mrs. Obermann helped me struggle through sophomore year a little less and I am so thankful for everything she did to help me and my peers to ha

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