Mr. Wesp | Teen Ink

Mr. Wesp

March 10, 2020
By ajhev23 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
ajhev23 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The first day of class, I didn’t think much of anything as it was my first day of senior year. I had never taken an auto’s class before at Arrowhead. All my siblings had a different teacher for autos when they were in high school so knowing that I had a different one, made me anxious. I was one of the quiet students the first couple weeks of auto’s class, but as the semester went on I grew more comfortable with Mr. Wesp and shedded my skin like a snake.

Auto’s quickly became my favorite class not only because of my friends in that class but because of Mr. Wesp. This is his first year teaching and he is only 24 so I connected with him like a brother. He is a comical teacher whether it’s telling jokes or taking jokes from students. Mr. Wesp also loves to listen to stories and tell some of his own.

I was never much of a car person before his class, but as the semester went on I became more comfortable with cars thanks to Mr. Wesp’s hands on demonstrations and labs. I was excited when a new car problem arose at home where I could put my skills I learned from class to the test. Often times I didn’t know what to do but some of the times my dad was very impressed with my newly acquired skills. One time I had to change my oil in my car and Mr. Wesp helped me get the materials I needed and even provided me with the lift to change my oil.

Towards the end of the semester, I realized I would miss auto’s class and at first, I didn’t know why. After some thought it came to me; Mr. Wesp was the reason I liked the class so much and why I was always excited when I had it. The amount of messing around, jokes, and knowledge from this class left a spot in my heart.

All the laughter, sarcasm, and bad jokes in auto’s class with Mr. Wesp is the reason I will always remember him as a teacher and a person. To this day, I try and stop in every week just to say hi and ask how he’s doing. Sometimes, I’ll mess around with him and ask how his new classes are and he will usually say “Way worse than your class!” and I’ll laugh. In the future, I plan on trying to stay in touch with Mr. Wesp because of his great teaching skills, sense of humor, and fantastic personality.

The author's comments:

Mr. Wesp was my auto's teacher senior year.

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