Ms. Sarah Lake | Teen Ink

Ms. Sarah Lake

March 30, 2022
By Kaitlyn26 BRONZE, Pleasantville, New York
Kaitlyn26 BRONZE, Pleasantville, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The person I am nominating is Ms. Lake, also known as my mom. She works in a middle school helping a student who needs classroom support. She works endless hours providing for me, as an autistic teen. She works two jobs and is constantly stressed with what’s happening with me and with no support from my dad. She also has very little support from her mom and keeps getting into verbal fights after I have a crisis moment. As for school, her student doesn’t really belong in the public school she works in. This student has crisis moments often and doesn’t really belong in a public school environment. Not only is this school the right fit for this student, his parents don’t support him as needed. Also Ms.Lake is working in the cafeteria and she had it under control until a guidance counselor came in and ruined what Ms.Lake was doing. She has gotten way more stressed about how she has been treated at this school and the student doesn’t have anything to do with it the staff is the problem, ever time she would like to have a meeting the administration brushes her away. Ms. Lake does not deserve what she is going through, that is why I am nominating her.

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