Mrs. Jurewicz | Teen Ink

Mrs. Jurewicz

February 14, 2023
By 4bachmann GOLD, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
4bachmann GOLD, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every year of high school the classes I stress about taking were science class. I am always scared because I don’t know what to take, and I am scared of getting a teacher that people say is strict. 

My first semester of sophomore year at Arrowhead, I saw a name on my schedule that I had never seen. I hoped Mrs. Jurewicz taught well because I didn't want to get stuck with a bad teacher.

The bell sounded and it was time for ¾ period. I couldn’t even find the classroom so I thought this might be a bad sign. I took a seat and waited for people to pour in. I noticed my class was pretty good in terms of people I know. We started class and I’m interested because of her personality. It was bright and welcoming. She expressed that she loved everyone in her classroom. We started to refer to her as Mrs. J.

The first couple weeks of the semester were rocky and I realized I needed to apply myself more. I failed to put in work in her class and I wanted to give up.  Mrs. Jurewicz realized this issue. If you needed a break, she understood and let you take time off to focus on yourself. This showed her dedication to let us take mental health as a priority. Anytime we struggled in a lab she took us through it and did not leave us at a bad checkpoint. I could see she only wanted the best for her students. Anytime I wanted to quit she did not let this happen. When doing labs a lot of science teachers used it as time to get emails sent or put grades in; however Mrs. J would be active and around the classroom answering questions and helping. 

So, semester two comes and I’m not in her class. It disappointed me, but there was nothing I could do and I had to accept it. Now coming junior year, I got pretty excited to see I had Mrs. J as my science teacher for forensic science. I’ve always been interested in this subject so it was nice to see it in my schedule. I haven't seen her in so long so it got me nervous, but it got me less anxious for school. She can brighten me up without even being with her.

The first day of school came up and they are always the longest days. I have reached my last period and I just want to get out. I said hi to Mrs. J and she waved back  and acted the same as before. Just being in her presence gave me a boost in my mood.

Mrs. J is the most ecstatic, caring, and most fun teacher I’ve had. Thank you, Mrs. J.

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