Mrs. Coraggio | Teen Ink

Mrs. Coraggio

February 14, 2023
By Anonymous

Mrs. Coraggio

By Malen Escartin, grade 12.

New country, new language, new people … a new life for a whole year. It was my first day at Arrowhead  high school and my first time having this new experience. I was lost,  the hallways were getting longer every time I took a step.

I didn’t know anybody.  I felt alone. The bell rang and my first class was English. After English math , the fourth period of the day arrived and I was already exhausted. my brain couldn't think in English anymore.

I just wanted to go home.

¨It's time for my next class¨ I thought in my mind. I didn't want to go inside.

When I entered the class, I saw Mrs. Coraggio with a smile from ear to ear.

¨HOLA!¨ she said. 

From the first moment I knew that the Spanish classes would be so fun with her, not just because of the language but because of how easy and fun Mrs. Coraggio made her Spanish classes.

She helped me with the language and if I didn’t understand something she would explain it to me .

It's not just because of how she is in the classroom, after each class, she is always willing to help people, both with homework and common personal problems.

Mrs.Coraggio is always happy to help and she makes you feel comfortable at Arrowhead. She has shown me what a great teacher and role model looks like.

Thank you, Mrs. Coraggio for all you have done for me.

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