Mrs S. | Teen Ink

Mrs S.

February 14, 2023
By DaEliteHBH5 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
DaEliteHBH5 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I was in 4th grade I struggled to write a single sentence let alone the paragraphs we were expected to write. So I was told to find a tutor to get extra help with writing. about two week later I met my tutor for the first time, her name was Mrs. S. At first I acted as if I enjoyed what we were doing even though I strongly thought it was a waste of time but eventually that acting faded away and I actually began to enjoy writing. 

She found a way to make everything fun. She would find things I enjoy and somehow incorporate them into learning. She would take time out of her day to learn new ways to teach me in ways I would understand better as well as would be more fun each new one better than the last. It was like she had only ever known happiness and delight.

 She always wore happy colorful clothing, jewelry that looks like it would blind you if it were placed under a flashlight, and beautiful red hair that she would sometimes dye different colors. She always had a smile on her face, a bright voice and kind tone, and to top it off she has the ability to make you smile just by looking at her. 

When I showed up I struggled to put two sentences together as well as communicate properly with my peers and make friends. By the time I finished learning from her I had a friend group, could string together paragraphs properly, and could communicate properly. She was truly an inspiration and somebody I could always learn more from, whether that be how to make cookies or english there was always something new and interesting to learn from her.

I am so grateful to have the opportunity to have met and worked with her and I envy her kids for being able to be with her everyday. No words in any language can describe my gratitude to her during the most difficult parts in my life. Whether I needed a shoulder to cry on or help with a writing assignment, she was there every step of the way. She has truly been an inspiration to me and many of her other students to push forward and do better.

She has truly made a huge difference in hundreds of students' lives for the better, including mine. As well as made plenty of people smile and help others less fortunate than herself. If she had the opportunity to help somebody she wouldn't even consider saying no and never got truly recognized for her greatness and for all of these reasons I think she should be awarded for all she does for this world.

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