Mrs.Passler | Teen Ink


February 15, 2023
By 4nowak SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
4nowak SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 In sophomore year I took brit lit and met Mrs.Passler a teacher who was able to change my life for the better, 

When I would email Mrs.Passler with questions about the work we did in class she would always end it with a smiley face, it made my day, so then I would reply back with a smiley face because they always made me smile even on a not-so-good day. On the first day, she asked if she had any sophomores in her class and a few of us raised our hands she went "oh my sophomore sweeties" I took that name with pride and told everyone about her. 

One time I brought my tarot cards to school and she walked past me and asked me about them and asked if I could give her a reading one time from that point on I was so excited to go to her class, I would go up to her before class and tell her about the crystals I had brought to school and she would comment on them by saying making a comment to that made scene because she was just as interested in them as I was. At one point I asked if she remembered my dad because she also taught him and when I told her she was so excited to be teaching me too.

I knew I never had to be scared to talk to her in class because she would never shoot your idea down she would go "oh I never thought of that, I love it," or she would start grinning at you and  she would go "oh yes,". I always felt comfortable with her, she wanted the best for you.

She let me learn how it worked for you, she would let me use her canyons on my notes because its what worked for me, and let me take notes in my own way and never told me not to do something, and she was excited about what she was teaching even at the end of the day she was still so happy to be teaching. 

When the semester ended I was sad I wouldn't get to see her every day I was at school, she really was the highlight of my day. And then when I started my junior year I got off 10 minutes early so I would go and see her just to talk and she would always listen to what I had to say, she ended up moving to the lunch room and I got to see her every day I walked passes I always said hi and she would look up and go "oh hello" and even the quick interaction made my day.

Thank you Mrs.passler for always being there for me and making my day just so much better

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