An Awesome Teacher! | Teen Ink

An Awesome Teacher!

October 15, 2009
By Anonymous

Someone once said, “All learning begins with the simple words, ‘I don’t know”. Well Mrs. Kara Trumbo can fix the “I don’t know”. She is an awesome teacher. In class everyday; I see bright and colorful posters with funny sayings on them. There was a teacher who is taller than me with short brown hair. She looked very outgoing with her crazy looking clothes. At first I thought, that lady must be crazy. But then I found out she is, but in a good way. She is very nice and funny, but can be serious when she needs to be.

Kara Trumbo has to be the best math teacher ever. I have never really liked math

before. I always had C’s or lower. She is also a reading teacher, but I’m not in her class

for that. Like I said she is really funny. She uses sarcasm a lot. She does math in a fun way. She always makes us say an oath on Fridays not to do math homework during the weekends. It is nice to have a teacher who doesn’t give us homework on the weekends.

The reason I knew she would be my favorite teacher is from the first day of school. I walked in the classroom and sat down. I figured we would be getting to work right away, but we didn’t. We introduced ourselves, listened to the morning announcements, and just got to chill. She was very enthusiastic about math, and I am absolutely positive that it is her favorite subject.

Mrs. Trumbo is awesome, and deserves the educator of the year award. I like that she enjoys her job and should get rewarded. She is really nice and funny, and I am sure everybody likes her. She told us that about ninety-eight percent of the time kids pass her math class. She is very helpful and kind. I think she deserves The Educator of the Year Award!

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