My Goofy Money Makin Teacher | Teen Ink

My Goofy Money Makin Teacher

October 15, 2009
By dr.pepper BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
dr.pepper BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I actually wrote this Quote" today is the day that you will be slow and painful... but you will at least die knowing you have served your country well and that people everywhere will know your name and what you did here today... today as soldiers you now become men..."unquote

My Goofy Money Makin Teacher

I am nominating Mrs. Kara Trumbo for teacher of the year because she deserves it for all that she does for her classes (she teaches math AND reading). My teacher, Mrs. Kara Trumbo, is somewhat tall, maybe even medium height (about 5’6”). She has dark brown-blonde medium hair, and when she walks she has the speed of a cheetah. She is hilarious and so is her classroom, it’s a perfect match for her, for example, she has a Garfield picture on the wall of her classroom. She is wearing something floral or some bright color almost everyday, it’s always different. She isn’t the most organized person ever, but she almost always knows where things are.
She is considerate if you learn at a different level but if she thinks you’re ready she will give you something that will challenge your mind, and make you think. She is so smart she is like Einstein. She makes class easy to follow, and keeps it so you can learn without distractions. She moves seats so we are sitting next to people she knows we won’t talk to during class so we can focus on our work. She doesn’t give much homework, and she always seems to make us laugh, but when she wants to be serious she is and doesn’t take any excuses for late work.
I knew Mrs. Trumbo was the teacher that is going to win educator of the year and was not like any other when the first time we all got our work turned in she was so silly and off the walls clowns hopped up on sugar couldn’t even come close to compare to her. She is also an amazing teacher, she does things to help you learn not just to teach, and she wants you to succeed, try your hardest, and do well
You should give Mrs. Kara Trumbo the educator of the year award, because she is like no other, she is funny, nice, and a good teacher. So you should pick her she is an amazing teacher there is no one in the world quite like her. So pick Kara Trumbo, and remember no one and nothing can even start to compare to her.

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