Slam Dunk the Test | Teen Ink

Slam Dunk the Test

November 29, 2009
By Anonymous

The ball neatly bounced around the plastic rims before defiantly dropping to the floor without passing through the net. At least my team was still in the lead. Every time a test would come up, we would review by playing basketball. Coach Ford, my seventh grade social studies teacher.
Coach Ford is an extremely enjoyable individual to be around. He has a very unique teaching style that his students like very much. He seems more like a friend than a teacher, but he helps kids learn the material. For reviewing for a test students compete in basketball throws at his plastic goal in his classroom, or the first one to answer or grab a ball. Any and all of his review games include teams. He is also a football and basketball coach. He knows how to get kids involved.
Outside of school he is a youth minister at a local church. He has more influence than he knows. Many people look up to him and acknowledge his good character and humor. Every student that goes through his class each year will always remember who Coach Ford is.
Coach Ford has helped many young teenagers deal with and understand some bad situations they might find themselves in. Coach Ford definitely has a positive effect on everyone around him. I will always remember Coach Ford.

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