Mrs. Sherry Clark: Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Mrs. Sherry Clark: Educator of the Year

February 3, 2013
By slcollins99 BRONZE, Morning View, Kentucky
slcollins99 BRONZE, Morning View, Kentucky
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To say that Mrs. Sherry Clark is a great educator would be an understatement. Every educator at Twenhofel Middle School is great, but Mrs. Clark really goes above and beyond for her students and her school. Mrs. Clark stays after school at least 4 days each week for a club or organization that she leads. In addition, Mrs. Clark gives her students many opportunities to shine in class and makes it her mission to encourage all of her students to do their very best. If Mrs. Clark is not an outstanding educator, I don’t know who is.

Mrs. Clark’s involvement with after school activities is just one of the things that demonstrates her dedication to her students, her school, and her job. Mrs. Clark works all day as a choir director for the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade and additionally teaches an 8th grade piano lab class. Then, she stays after school to give her students every opportunity possible. Mrs. Clark leads many after school choirs such as the Kenton County Disney Choir, and the Trebbleettes (a small group of students that sing the National Anthem in four part harmony). All of her choirs travel to many places to compete such as Kings Island, Disneyland, and Pigeon Forge. On top of this, Mrs. Clark directs the school play which meets 2 days every week. Anyone participating in any of these activities will tell you how much thought and work Mrs. Clark puts into them and how dedicated she is to what she does.

Mrs. Clark inspires all of her students to reach their full potential and to be great performers. One example is in January when we do our drama unit in choir. There are always a few students who are shy or nervous to perform in front of the class. By the end of the unit, they are performing like professionals. Mrs. Clark is so reassuring when people are shy or nervous and that gives them the confidence to keep going and to be the best that they can be. Another example of this is when Mrs. Clark teaches her piano lab, the students often get frustrated when they struggle with a concept. She always encourages them to keep trying and persevere. When her students succeed, she gives them the opportunity to share what they’ve learned with the class. Mrs. Clark’s teaching style is very positive and enthusiastic and that reflects back through her students. Whenever Mrs. Clark’s choirs perform, she always gets comments from parents noting on how expressive and engaging the students were. That is all because Mrs. Clark is so expressive and engaging during her classes, and it rubs off on her students. Mrs. Clark leads by example and I think that is what makes her choirs so successful.

Finally, Mrs. Clark not only gives her students opportunities during after school clubs and practices, but during class as well. Mrs. Clark allows her students to perform in front of the class a few times a month, building their confidence and giving them experience in performing in front of their peers and friends. Also, Mrs. Clark likes to pick multiple songs for the class concerts that feature soloists to give students that chance to showcase their individual talent. In addition, Mrs. Clark always has her students participate in State Assessment where we get rated on our performance. Mrs. Clark also prepares select volunteer students to participate in solo and ensemble where they can participate in an ensemble, sing a duet, or sing a solo. After practicing for a few months, the students go and perform in front of a judge who then rates them. Mrs. Clark always instills the value of listening to constructive criticism and comments to become a better performer. This is what makes her choir members improve and grow to succeed.

As you can see, Mrs. Clark is an absolutely amazing teacher. Mrs. Clark always gives her students such confidence, determination, and inspiration to accomplish their dreams. Mrs. Clark makes every single student in her class feel like they are special in their own right. Every person in chorus loves to sing but Mrs. Clark magnifies that love and dedication and makes it into something special and irreplaceable. I don’t know what our school would be without Mrs. Clark.

The author's comments:
This article is about the absolutely amazing choir and piano lab teacher at Twenhofel Middle School. TMS wouldn't be the same without her.

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