Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

February 14, 2013
By MariahPriewe GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
MariahPriewe GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings, and emotions.
- Will Smith.

“Come with me,” the principal said as I followed him to his office. I knew I was in trouble because I was throwing a fit at lunch, yelling and cussing up a storm for things junior girls agonize over. I prepared for the scolding, but I was taken by surprise when the principal said, “I want you on principal’s cabinet. You’re outspoken and we need more people like you.”

Now in Principal’s Cabinet, I’m the only one I’ve noticed to oppose the standing views of the other members, and Mr. Wieczorek appreciates this, so he always keeps me after the meetings to hear what I have to say about the discussion. He appreciates how I see things differently than most, and he seems to consider my ideas more than those of others. The most commonly discussed topics are typically bullying. Mr. Wieczorek is sensitive to the issue because he wants students to enjoy their experience at Arrowhead. He has zero tolerance for bullying, but at the same time, is a very forgiving person. The truth is, if Mr. Wieczorek was the man in charge of discipline, no one would ever get in trouble.

Mr. Wieczorek is an easy person to talk to. He cares about the well being of others, and will do what he can to help when someone is in need of it. Because my future is hazy, he gives me suggestions for professions that would best suit my needs and wants. Mr. Wieczorek once sat down with me when I needed help on an essay, and he gave me some personal insight that helped me to get an A on that paper. Not only is he helpful, but he has an amusing personality. On February 15th of my junior year after a cabinet meeting, while pointing at my neck he said “So, Mariah. Did you have a good Valentine’s Day?” He was referring to the hickeys I hadn’t noticed. I was very embarrassed but got over it when he told me how he and his wife don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day the way most couples do. He puts a single carnation somewhere she will find it once a month to show her he is always thinking of her. I later went to my boyfriend and told him I would settle for no less than treatment of that sort. Mr. Wieczorek has a practical yet optimistic outlook on life, and will tell anyone the straight truth in the nicest way he can. An area in which most struggle but he has knocked out of the park.

Never before have I a principal who knew the name of every student who walks by him, especially considering his 2,400 students. It’s like he studies the names of the entire class of incoming freshman over the summer. Mr. Wieczorek is truly deserving of the educator of the year award because he is a mentor, a dedicated worker, and a friend to all.

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