Matt(or ok)Leubke | Teen Ink

Matt(or ok)Leubke

February 14, 2013
By BradyBruss12 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
BradyBruss12 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Luebke

Many people have someone who they look up to and can trust them with anything. Whether it is a coach, teacher, parent, or celebrity, everyone has someone. But the person I look up to isn’t a parent, it isn’t a celebrity, and it isn’t a coach. Instead, it’s my video production teacher: Mr. Luebke. I had him as a teacher sophomore year for an art class.

Mr. Luebke is a laid back, relaxed guy. When we have work to do in his class, he assigns a due date and then leaves it up to us to use our time in class to get it done. If it’s done on time, he will look at it and give it a grade. If it’s not done, he won’t look at it until it is completely finished. He wants you to finish your work and he wants to see what you can do.
In class, he would tell stories or let us tell him something. He always cared to listen to what we have to say. He always had something new to tell us each class that we didn’t know before.

When I finish my work and have him grade it, I always get positive feedback. He is always telling me how he likes my editing and how I do things in the videos I create. It’s not every day I can talk to someone about editing and how everything about it works. But with Mr. Luebke, it’s different. Mr. Luebke and I could talk for hours about how a program works and where everything is within it. He always has something new to tell me about the camera I’m using. We could talk about cameras and how they work for days.

I asked my guidance counselor and his video production class is open for next year. Now it’s just another reason for me to want to come back to school!
Even though I don’t have Mr. Luebke as a teacher this semester, I know he is there to talk about things. I always see him in the halls and we stop and talk for a little bit. Without Mr. Luebke I wouldn’t know more than half the camera and editing skills I do now.

The author's comments:
I tried really hard.

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