Mr. Gnewuch | Teen Ink

Mr. Gnewuch

February 14, 2013
By alex19964584 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
alex19964584 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Gnewuch

“You have to get him, he’s the best teacher there!” is what my sister kept on telling me going into my freshman year of high school. I didn’t know what to think of him at first, but all I knew was that fairness, loyalty, and leadership were what I desired in a good teacher; otherwise.
Having a fun and easy-going teacher is always good time, but this does not necessarily describe a good role model or responsible. Mr. Gnewuch—a teacher, a coach, and a friend—is who I think of when I reflect upon all the best mentors in my life.
I saw Mr. Gnewuch as a brick wall, perfectly laid with the correct bricks to make him strong and resilient. He had a way of teaching material in ways other teachers couldn’t, or were scared to. He wasn’t scared to tell it how it really is.
Many teachers can find time for their athletes, but not many of them give second options like the one I got. I received a pole run one day, a horrible sprint while holding the heaviest pole. This punishment was given because I vaulted without a helmet. Mr. Gnewuch gave me two options, though; execute the pole run or shave my head. I felt like that was a sign from the heavens and came to school with no hair the next day. I felt naked without my long luscious hair, but Mr. Gnewuch gave me nothing but compliments and made me feel better about the whole ordeal. No coaches, other than Mr. Gnewuch, would give me a second chance like that, or make it comfortable the next day. His fairness and respect showed me has followed me throughout my life to this day.
Mr. Gnewuch was my powerlifting coach as well as my track coach. This is where he really got through to me. He took my love for lifting weights to a whole new level. He taught me about muscles, how the body works, how to train correctly, and he pushed me harder than I ever have been before. He stuck with his powerlifters to make us the best we could be. It wasn’t “sheltered” or “fluffed” in any way, either. He wasn’t afraid of breaking you down and building you back up into a stronger person. This loyalty, dedication, and hard training were what I yearned for.
Now I know what my sister was talking about. He is a fair, respectful, and loyal human being that equals as a teacher, a coach, and a friend. He has taught me lifelong skills and honorable morals that are only going to keep me going and achieve what I want in life. He was a fun teacher but his hardworking ways and his “no taking the easy way” attitude have shaped me into the person I am today.

The author's comments:
This is about my teacher and coach that really had an impact on my life. He made me an all around better person.

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