Mr. Urban: My Favorite Teacher | Teen Ink

Mr. Urban: My Favorite Teacher

February 14, 2013
By sammi1996 BRONZE, Harford, Wisconsin
sammi1996 BRONZE, Harford, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Urban is a teacher I will never forget. I remember the first day, I walked into class and sat down, the bell rang and he slammed the door shut and started ranting about how if we aren’t good at math we should drop out of this class: “if we don’t want to be here then drop out…if you think you’re just going to sit in the back and text on your phone, drop out.” He was a very frightening person; and he did not seem happy. He gave off the impression he was a grumpy old man and I was not excited for the rest of the semester. But this intimidation really motivated me to do well in his class; and it made me want to try harder to impress him.
But by the end of the semester, Mr. Urban was a completely different person. Now don’t get me wrong, Mr. Urban is like a sergeant. He’s in control and when he talks, people listen. But this motivates everyone to learn, and they all want to do better to show him they can. He can switch roles very easily; he’s also this funny, dedicated teacher. If you don’t understand one way he taught it, he will take time out of his free periods to help you and teach you in a different way. People sometimes think Mr. Urban is a mean old teacher. But they don’t know him. If you’re willing to work hard in his class and do the best you can, he’s willing to do everything he can to help you. One thing Mr. Urban taught me is it’s not about the letter grade you get; it’s about how hard you tried.
Math is not the easiest subject, and definitely not my best, but with Mr. Urban’s help, I passed with a B in the class. We had the student, teacher relationship that I will talk about forever and Mr. Urban is a teacher I will never forget.

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