Kindred in the Classroom: Sensei Scherer | Teen Ink

Kindred in the Classroom: Sensei Scherer

February 14, 2013
By ryanmurray GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
ryanmurray GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Kindred in the Classroom
When a teacher travels all the way from Japan, just to teach a few classes to American students, you know it’s from the motivation and kindness of her heart.
In Sensei Scherer’s classroom, I have a family within a classroom. And that is how my Japanese teacher changed my life. I dream of getting a job of teaching English in Japan. And my Japanese studies will play a key role in helping me reach my dream.
Starting last year, my Japanese teacher, Sensei Scherer, took a huge risk. She decided to combine the level I through level III Japanese classes into one class. This gave Sensei a motherly aura as she taught us as a whole, every single day.
She teaches us the basics of Kanji and the importance of speaking the language orally. During the summer, she invites her students to join her at her home for her top-notch Asian cuisine cooking. Before I met Sensei, I have never seen or heard of a teacher that connects to her students in a way like this. This shows her passion and trust for every student she meets, in and out of the classroom.
What really makes her class over-the-top enjoyable are her stories. My favorites were about her visits to spiritual shrines or the numerous colorful festivals throughout the Fukuoka Region. She went into so much depth that it felt like I was walking the streets of Tokyo with her.
Her teaching methods are phenomenal because she gives everyone student a chance to really understand the language. Unlike most teachers, she makes helping students her top priority, as she schedules after-school tutoring three to four times a week. Her love for students and her inspiration to help me succeed makes me believe that Kazuko Scherer embodies unrivaled excellence.

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